William Chow's Personal Web Page Archive




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I have always had a thing for card games like Magic but recently I have become hooked on these boxed card games like Dominion and Ascension.    I really got into Ascension because of a great version of the game for my Iphone.

Anyways, I like probably most of you out there love this game when you get a combo going and you keep drawing cards and you keep doing stuff and keep buying stuff and keep killing stuff and keep drawing more cards!    Great stuff!

I have decided to write down some of high scores I managed to get in this game and some notes about the game play as I was playing this hand.

Notes about how to set this up so you can get these crazy hands.    You set up an OFFLINE game with 4 players (3AI players), and you can play any number of sets you like but do set the starting victory points pool to the max. 250!

Well enjoy the beat down game!!!


High score 645

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos 1+2

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,   aaron the god slayer,  treasures of the study , Raj psionic master, master dhartha, elemental adept x3,  elan soul marshall, arha templar,   tower askara x2 , all seeing eye, journeyman sage x2, askara of souls x2,  Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara x3 (both banished for an extra turn), temple librarian, seer of forked path x2,  nook hound x2, elder skeptic, askara of fortune, arha initiate x3

 sabre the moon lit,  lionheart x2,  Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, spider witch,  snap dragon x2,honey siren,  granger, fly trap witch, beast staff,   wolf shaman, wolf acolyte x2, snake shaman, runic lycanthrope x2 

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  repurposer, dream machine, Grand designx2, hedron flarex2, driller mark IVx2,  watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0 x2, astrolabe TRX,  spark sprayer, rock courier x99, synconizer x2, reycylicrabx2 , prime, energy monk,

 orb of nyxemri soul slayer, void thirster x2,  void mesmer x2,   Umbral Edge, penumbral edge,   shadow caster, bethar soul collector , shadow star,  void initiate, trophy hunter,    spike vixen,    nihilmancer

kythis rebel godling, growmites x2, mystic x3

Notes on play,  181 points in cards, 334 victory points.

This game started with Prime on the opening draw.   I concentrated on getting that first.  Then I proceeded to weed the deck down and get draw cards.   There was a few rounds where the event was "Aquire Enchanted then draw a card" and I got 7 blue heroes this way.  In terms of victory points, I was behind most of the game.   I didn't get around 40 points till turn 14.  

It was like all of the sudden, in turn 15, I got the lead and ended the turn just short of 100 points and came close to drawing most of my hand.   Turn 16, I hit 150 points.   Now turn 17 was wild.   I managed to get the hedron cannon with dream machine combo going and I ended up with over 50 attack points.   I was be able combine the two wandering askara's to get a free turn.  Now, I am at 280.   During this new free turn, I was able pick up a Tablet of Time's Dawn during this turn and I was able to get it re-shuffled into the deck and draw it and sack it.   This now gives me another turn.     On this extra turn, I was able to draw my entire hand (short 9 cards).   I ended with 394 victory points all said and done.    I will also note, I got 89 attack points this turn, doing the hedron cannon, dream machine, hedron cannon, enery monk, hedron cannon combo.   Now I will note, the other player's victory scores were 45, 30 and 50.   The ending card points were 47, 40 and 29; respectively.

I will also mention, I did all this with no Cetra or Aiyana or Landstalkers.   These were still sitting on the board when I ended turn 17. 
This was a long last turn but wow, what a score.



High score 441

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,   master dhartha, elemental adept x2,  elan soul marshall, arha templar,   tower askara , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara x2 (both banished for an extra turn), temple librarian, seer of forked path, prodigal x2,  nook hound x3, elder skeptic x3, arha initiate

World tree,  cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana, stone circle elder x2, sabre the moon lit, , path warden, lionheart x2, land talker,  druids of stone circle, yggdrasil staff, Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, spider witch x2,  snap dragon, granger, fly trap witch x2,       wolf shaman x3, wolf acolyte x1, snake shaman, runic lycanthrope  , aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  repurposer, Grand design, cog maw, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0 x2, astrolabe TRX x2,  spark sprayer, rock courier x99 x2, personal wormhole x2, synconizer, , prime, burrower mark 2, kor the ferromancer, mechana initiate, grease monk,

orb of nyx,  muramasa, void avenger , Umbral Edge, penumbral edge,   emri one with the void, soul assassin, void militia x2,   spike vixen,    nihilmancer, abolisher

growmites x2, mystic x2


Notes on play,  148� points in cards, 280 victory points.

The game started pretty mundane.   There wasn’t any big cards at the beginning row.   Then Vedah showed up with a log jam of a bunch of high power monsters.   My opponents kept buying heavy infantry to kill the monsters while I bought mystics to buy Vedah.   A few turns later, that is what happened.   I stocked up on green and blue “draw card” cards.   Cetra showed up and the two folded askara (which later got stolen from me), however I didn’t ever really use the askara to clone cetra rather I used it to clone Vedah and I got better stuff that way.   I kept the score close but I was always still behind until about half way through the game (about round 10).    I was able to draw most of my hand.    I was able to get the hedron cannon, master dahara by this time and they really helped.   Prime came late in the game and wasn’t a big factor; likewise the 2 edges weren’t paired until late in the game.

At turn 18, I was around getting close to 100 points.   I drew just about all my cards again.   Turn 19, I used one of the wandering askaras to get another turn.   In the these last  two turns the event was monsters unbanishable, trophy was discard a card for a soul gem which helped a lot to draw cards.   I also had killed the rat king twice in turn 19.

Other players were at 92, 75 and 88;  with the 92 having the most card points with 49 because of 5 constructs including the headron link device,  and the 88 had the most victory points with 50 because of 15 heavy infantry.   The last guy only had 38 victory points, meaning the game ended with victory point score 224, 43, 38 and 50, by far the most lopsided game I have ever played.


My 444 point hand.

This is my first real game I beat a big record.�

444pts was pretty big for the time being.

The total will get higher with more expansion sets.

Of course, I know this was going to happen as the meta changes.

Just flipping through my deck.

And through my hand.

Green was big, and constructs were big.

Cycling the deck was important.

This was the start of the crazy hands

Only the beginning

It got a lot worse.



Some of the crazy scores I got.


645 points.�

808 points.

897 points.

959 points.

1134 points.

1190 points.

1618 points.

2192 points.


My other hands I got when I just got started.






High score 434

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,   Raj, master dhartha, elemental adept x3,  elan soul marshall, dreamer’s glass,  arha templar,  twofold askara,   tower askara x2, all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara x3 (2 banished for an extra turn), temple librarian, seer of forked path,    nook hound x3, elder skeptic x2, arha initiate x3

World tree,  cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana, stone circle elder, sabre the moon lit, path warden x2, lionheart x2, land talker , Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, spider witch x2,  snap dragon x2, granger, fly trap witch x2,   beast staff,    wolf shaman x2, wolf acolyte, snake shaman, runic lycanthrope x2  , aiyan’s messenger x2,

weapon 303v,     repurposer, hedron link device, dream machine,  Grand design, cog maw, watch maker’s altar x2, auto builder 5.0,    spark sprayer, rock courier x99 x2,   synconizer,  prime, burrower mark, grease monk,

orb of nyx, void avenger, umbral edge, penumbral edge , canopic jar x2, void initiate, nihilmancer, death sworn warrior, 

kythis rebel godling, growmites x3, mystic

Notes on play,  215 points in cards, 219 victory points.

This game started with Vedah and Raj near the beginning.   Again a big log jam of big monsters and big expensive heroes near the start.   My opponents kept buying heavy infantry to kill the monsters while I bought mystics to buy Vedah.  

A few turns later, that is what happened.   I stocked up on green and blue “draw card” cards.   Aiyana showed up and the world tree showed up.    I fell behind in the score.    I got prime kinda late in the game but I did get the dream machine and the headron link device but was unable to finish the combo with the headron cannon.  However,  did pair up the two edges near the middle of the game.

 Turn 18 was the end of the game, so turn 15, I was about 30 points behind the leaders.     Turn 16, I closed the gap.   Turn 17, I over took the lead and came close to 100 victory points, and I blew the two wandering askaras for the extra turn.  I killed the score in the extra turn, and surprisingly enough there was still like 10 points left in the points pool.   Turn 18, I got to go again and that pushed me over 200 victory ponts.

Other players were at 104, 80 and 95;  with the 104 having the most card points  (6 constructs)  with 49 ,  and the 104 &  95 (also had 6 constructs)  TIED with 55 victory.   So think, at turn 15, the victory point score was like 40ish, 30ish, 30ish and me with like 10ish points.  

So moral of the story, keep the game close, work your plan, and the pieces won’t fall together until the very  end so don’t lose hope.



High score 426

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, RAI PSIONIC MASTER, master dhartha, elemental adept x2,  twofold askara, tower askara , Ascetic of the lidless eye, x2, seer of forked path x2,  nook hound, elder skeptic x2

ahra initiate, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden x2, lionheart x2, land talker,  Syril Runic Alpha, star child x3, snap dragon x2, honey siren, everbloom,    wolf shaman, runic lycanthrope , life bound initiate, aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  headron link device, Dream machine, Grand design x2, cog maw, watch maker’s altar x2, auto builder 5.0, rock courier x99 x2, personal wormhole, prime, burrower mark 2,

Reactor Monk, kor the ferromancer, mechana initiate, muramasa, Emri soul slayer, void thirster x2, void Meister, Umbral Edge, Shadow caster x2, emri one with the void, Shadow star x2, demon slayer, Canopic Jar, void militia, Void initiate, spike vixen, shade of blackwatch x2,  nihilmancer, abolisher x2


Notes on play,  203 points in cards, 223 victory points.

 first  few purchases where the 2 elemental adepts, arbiter of precipice and shade of black watch, Prime and cetra.   Used the elementals to keep knocking out the monsters leaving high priced constructs and heroes around.   Used prime and cetra to keep aquiring the high end guys like avatar of aiyana and rai and used them to get the build the army of heroes, while Prime keeps popping off all the constructs.   I knew this was going to be a killer hand when I had already banished all my apprentices and militia, with prime, avatar of aiyana, rai, emri soul  slayer in my hand, and there was still 190 points left in the points pool.  Last round I had every card on the board,  no draw pile and no discard pile.   I banished the Tablet of Time’s Dawn.    That next free turn, I finished with 10 cards in draw, 8 cards in discard.   At one point in that turn I had 53 attack points.




High score 328

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, RAI PSIONIC MASTER, master dhartha, elemental adept x2,  Dreamer’s Glass, two fold askara,  tower askara , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, x2, seer of forked path x2,  prodigale, nook houndx2

ahra initiate x3, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,   land talker, star child x3, fly witch, ever bloom,  wolf shaman x2, runic lycanthrope x2, life bound initiate x2

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  headron link device, Dream machine, Grand design, cog maw, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0 x2, rock courier x99, syncronizer, personal wormhole, prime, burrower mark II x2,

Reactor Monk, kor the ferromancer,   Emri soul slayer, void thirster x2, void Meister, Umbral Edge, shadow caster x2, emri one with the void,  pembereal edge, Shadow star x2, Canopic Jar,   shade of blackwatch,  arbiter of preprice, mystic x3, apprentice x4


Notes on play,  180 points in cards, 143 victory points.

 First  few purchases where the  arbiter of precipice and shade of black watch, Prime and cetra.


Last round I had every card on the board,  7 cards draw pile and no discard pile.   I missed the   Tablet of Time’s Dawn on my last turn. 


High score 325

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

  temple guardian,  aaron the god slayer, treasures of the study, rai psionic master, oziah the peerless,  master dhartha, elemental adept x2,  twofold askara,      tower askara x2 ,   Ascetic of the lidless eye , wandering askara x3 (two banished for an extra turn), temple librarian x2, seer of forked path x2, prodigal,  nook hound x2, elder skeptic x2, arha initiate x3

World tree,  cetra weaver of stars,   stone circle elder x2, sabre the moon lit, , path warden,   land talker, star child x2, spider witch  , granger, fly trap witch x2,     beast staff,   wolf shaman x3, lifebound initiate,   aiyan’s messenger,

   hedron cannon,  repurposer,  driller mark IV x2,  watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0,   rock courier x99,   synconizer, recyclicrab, prime,  mechana initiate, grease monk,

orb of nyxEmri soulslayer,   void Mesmer, shadow caster x2, void avenger ,   penumbral edge,  shadow star x2, demon slayer, void initate,   spike vixen,    

kythis rebel godling, growmites x2, mystic x1

Notes on play,  172 points in cards, 153 victory points.

The other players scores were 81, 94 and 93 with the 81 guy with the highest hand total at 48 and the 94 guy with the highest point total at 59.

This game started with two the players making the mad grab for all the constructs.   They had 3 to 4 of them each and I still didn’t have any.   They also had more points than me so it wasn’t a good start.    However,  I managed to get my hands on the world tree, which basically means I will be playing a green lifebound deck.    So I kept buying up green and blue draw card guys.   I got Cetra which I used to get some high money guys like Aaron and the Soulslayer.   I managed to buy Prime so that really helped slow the construct guys down a bit.

Turn 16, I almost caught up with just over 40 points.    On turn 17, I drew more than half of my hand and took the lead with over 70 points.   Turn 18, I drew all but  15 cards and banished the two wandering askara for an  extra turn.    In the extra turn, I again drew all the cards I had and after buying a bunch of stuff, I drew a bit of those too.   I had 5 cards left in my draw pile when I was done, which was all junk I just bought this turn.


High score 314

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

165 cards, 149 points


RAI PSIONIC MASTER, oziah the peerless, master dhartha, elemental adept x2,  twofold askara, tower askara x2 , Ascetic of the lidless eye, x2, prodigal x2, nook hound, elder skeptic x3

ahra initiate x2, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden, lionheart x2, yggdrasil staff, Syril Runic Alpha, star child x3, snap dragon,  fly trap witch x2,  everbloom,    wolf shaman, snake shaman, runic lycanthrope , life bound initiate, aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  headron link device, Grand design, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0, personal wormhole x2, prime, burrower mark 2,

kor the ferromancer, Grease monk,   Emri soul slayer, void thirster, void Meister, Umbral Edge, Penumbral edge,   Shadow star x2,   Canopic Jar, void militia,  spike vixen, shade of blackwatch,    abolisher x2

Mystic x7, heavy Infantry x2


Notes about play:

First  few purchases where the arbiter of precipice and abolisher, Prime and cetra.   Used the deck thinning guys to quickly weed all the apprentices out of my hand which made it easier to purchase Prime and cetra.   With those two, I had 13 cards total, which meant every other turn I got any construct I wanted and I got any hero I wanted.  Used prime and cetra to keep aquiring the high end guys like avatar of aiyana and rai and used them to get the build the army of heroes to either give me card draw or give me something plus victory points, while Prime keeps popping off all the constructs.   I banished the Tablet of Time’s Dawn with 5 points left in the pool.    That next free turn, I finished with 10 cards in the draw pile, 17 cards in discard pile, and everything else on the board.   

This hand was a pretty killer hand, but I knew I could have gone to town if I had the Dream Machine.


High score 305

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,  aaron the god slayer,  master dhartha, eye of destiny, elemental adept, dreamers glass, two fold askara,     tower askara , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, seer of forked path x2,  nook hound, elder skeptic x2, arha initiate x2

World tree,   avatar of aiyana,   sabre the moon lit, , path warden, lionheart  , Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, spider witch,  snap dragon, honey siren, granger, fly trap witch, everbloom x2,      wolf shaman x2, wolf acolyte x1, snake shaman,lifebound initiate,    aiyan’s messenger,

   hedron cannon,  repurposer, headron link device, dream machine,  personal wormhole, synconizer, recyclicrab, prime, reactor monk, deep drone x2,   mechana initiate,  brazer drone,  

orb of nyx,  void memer ,  void avenger , shadow caster, shadow star, void initiate,     spike vixen,    soul shaper x2, arbiter of precipicex2

kythis rebel godling, growmites , mystic x4

Notes on play,  157 points in cards, 148 victory points.



302 points  = 149 cards, 153 points


vedah, master dharha, tower askara, all seeing eye, seer of forked path, nook hound, arha initiate, cetra, avatar of aiyana, path warden, naraira, lion heart, yggdrasil staff, syirl, star child, honey siren, dandelion witch, wolf shaman, rune lycanthrope, x2 , green omen raven, hedron cannon, project alpha, dream machine, grand design, cog maw, combustion idol x2 , auto builder, rocket courier x99x2

reclamax x2,person worm hole, prime

burrower mark ii

deep drone, dimension diver, muramasa, black hole, umbral edge, penumbral edge, canopic jar, black watch elite, arbiter of fate x2, spike vixen

shade of black watch, x2, arbiter of the precipice,

sea tyrant, samuel the fallen, Polaris demon, kythis the gate keeper, earth tyrant, corrosive widow,


In this game, I got started really early with Vedah and Avatar of Aiyana.   But after them, a lot of constructs showed up.   I got them followed by Prime.    I was at 11 constructs with Project Alpha by turn 18.    I had got the hedron cannon and the dream machine combo working with Samuel.   The last turn in the game, I had maxed out at 75 attack strength.   I ran out of points in the pool  with still 48 attack points.    So I kept wacking out the cultists.   I realized I could have prolonged this game and got more card points if I didn’t keep hitting the cultists with all those left over attack points.   Oh well.   Maybe next time.



High score 299

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

168 cards, 131 points

Vedah Sage Of swords,   master dhartha, eye of destiny, elemental adept x3,  arha templar, tower askara x2 , All seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, temple librarian x3, seer of the forked path x3, prodigal, nook hound, elder skeptic x2

ahra initiate, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden x2, lionheart, landtalker,   Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, honey siren, granger,    fly trap witch x2,       wolf shaman x2,   runic lycanthrope x2 , life bound initiate 

weapon 303v,   headron link device,  dream machine, cog maw x2, auto builder 5.0, rocket courier x-99, personal wormhole x2, synchronizer, prime, deep drone

  Grease monk,   Emri soul slayer, void Meisterx2, Umbral Edge,     Shadow caster,   soul assassin, demon slayer, Canopic Jar,    spike vixen, shade of blackwatch,    arbiter of the precipice, abolisher x2

Mystic x2


Notes about play:

First  few purchases really made the game.    I bought a runic  lycanthope on turn 1.   I then bought not one but 2 of the shade of the black witch.   I got those  by turn 4.   Very next turn,  I got the avatar of aiyana.   Oh boy, with 2 banishes and heroes at par, the combo began.    I kept getting great heroes and that allowed me to build up card drawing so that I was just about able to draw my entire deck each turn by around turn 10.   Everyone else was usually left with the crap and the really hard to kill monsters.    Then just one after the other, I got prime and then cetra.   It was pretty much over at that point as I was able to pretty much clean out all the high power constructs and heroes pretty much every turn.

There was point in the game where I hit 100 points, and the next player only had 38.This hand was a pretty killer hand, but I knew I could have gone to town if I had acquired the Hedron Cannon.



High score 290

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, Raj psionic master,   master dhartha, two fold askara,   tower askara  x2, all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara x2 (both banished for an extra turn), temple librarian, seer of forked path x2,    nook hound, arha medium,  elder skeptic,

World tree,   avatar of aiyana,   sabre the moon lit, ,   lionheart  ,    druids of stone circle, spider witch,  snap dragon, honey siren,   fly trap witch, everbloom x2,  wolf shaman x2, life bound initiate x2  , aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron link device,  dream machine,   Grand design, driller mark IV x2, cog maw, watch maker’s altar, astrolabe TRX ,    rock courier x99, personal wormhole   , prime, burrower mark 2, deep drone,  , grease monk,  brazer drone,

orb of nyxmuramasa, Umbral Edge, penumbral edge,   canopic jar x2,  , void militia, shade of the black watch , abolisherx2

growmites, mystic x6

Notes on play,  161 points in cards, 129 victory points.

The other players were at 109, 122, and 98.   The 122 guy had 68 victory points and the had 54 card points.    This game lasted till turn 23.

It started looking like a Prime game.  Then I keep adding blue and green cards.   There was one event that allowed me to keep drawing cards when I acquired enlightment cards.     At around turn 21, I started to pull away and just about used all the cards in my deck.   I managed to match the two wandering askara’s on the last turn and I really took off.


High score 288

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

135 victory points, 153 points in the hand.

Vendah Sage Of Swords, RAI PSIONIC MASTER, master dhartha, eye of destiny, elemental adept ,   tower askara x2, all seeing eye,  ascetic of the lidless eye, temple librarian, x2, seer of forked path x2,  nook hound, elder skeptic

ahra initiate x2, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden x2, lionheart x2, land talker,  Syril Runic Alpha, star child ,    wolf shaman x2, runic lycanthrope x2, life bound initiate x2 

   hedron cannon,    Grand design x2, cog maw, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0, synchronizer x2, burrower Mark II,


kor the ferromancer, deep drone , mechana initiate, grease monk,   Emri soul slayer, void thirster, void Meister, Umbral Edge, Shadow caster x2, Penubreal edge,  soul assassin x2 , Shadow star x2,   Canopic Jar x2,   Void initiate, spike vixen, shade of blackwatch x2,  mystic x2, heavy infantry x2, appentice


By turn 11, I had Vendah, Rai, master Dhartha, hedron cannon, and cetra, Emri the soul slayer, with 12 cards in draw pile, 5 cards in hand and 6 cards in discards.  Then by turn 20, I got both Penubreal Edge and Umbral Edge, that allowed me to kick monster ass.   I drew and banished the Tablet of Time’s Dawn, on the last turn with 8 victory points left,  I had 6 trophys to draw cards on the last turn.



High score 287

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

154 victory points, 133 points in the hand.

  master dhartha, tablet of Time’s Dawn,  ascetic of the lidless eye x2, temple librarian, seer of forked path, prodigal,   nook hound x2 

ahra initiate, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden, lionheart x2,  Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2 , snap dragon,  honey siren, granger x2, fly trap witch x2,    wolf shaman, runic lycanthrope, life bound initiate x2, aiyana’s messenger x2

   hedron cannon,   hedron link device, Dream machine,  Grand design, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0 x2, synchronizer x2,   burrower mark II

Prime, deep drone ,  grease monk,   brazer drone, muramasa,   void Meister, Umbral Edge,   Penubreal edge,    Shadow star ,   Canopic Jar x2,   Void militia,   shade of blackwatch x2,  mystic x2 ï¿½


Early in the game, I got Prime.   With prime I got the hedron cannon, and the Hedron Link Device and Dream Machine.   With this I started kicking monster ass with this combo (use the hedron cannon, use the dream machine on the Hedron cannon to put it back in your hand, then play the hedron cannon again)   Then   I got both Penubreal Edge and Umbral Edge, that allowed me to kick serious monster ass.   Last two turns,  I had attack strength in the 40’s.   Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to draw and banish the Tablet of Time’s Dawn, on the last turn.   Otherwise, I could have had another 20 more points with just attack power alone.  



High score 273

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Aaron the god slayer,    elan soul marshall, arha templar,   tower askara , all seeing eye, askara f souls, Ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara   (both were banished for an extra turn), temple librarian x2, seer of forked path x2,    nook hound, elder skeptic x2, arha initiate, tablet of time’s dawn (banished in the second to last turn)

   cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,   sabre the moon lit, , path warden, lionheart ,  yggdrasil staff,   star child x2, spider witch x2,  snap dragon x2,     wolf shaman, wolf acolyte x1, snake shaman  , aiyan’s messenger,

hedron link device,  driller mark IV ,  cog maw, watch maker’s altar, astrolabe TRX ,  synconizer, recyclicrab, prime

orb of nyxmuramasa, void thrister, void avenger, shadow caster, penumbral edge Edge,     emri one with the void, belthar soul collector,  

 kythis rebel godling,

  mystic x5, heavy infantry x1

Notes on play,  130 points in cards, 143 victory points.

The other players had 109, 110, 78 points; the 110 point player had  53 card points and there was a tie between 109 and 110 for 52 victory points.

This game began kinda boring.   Actually, the guy with 109 points was doing really well, he had 5 constructs already going in play by turn 6.   My first big purchase was aaron the godslayer which wasn’t all that  interesting but he helped me keep me close behind the leaders.   Then I got PRIME which was great because it would have been hell if that guy with 5 constructs got him instead.    I concentrated on green cards that draw cards and unite, and blue cards with draw.      I picked up the orb of Nyx, Penumbral edge,  and muramasa early using PRIME.

What got interesting was the last 2 turns.    Second to last turn, I was behind like usual,  I was at 30ish points while my opponents were in the 40’s.   I drew the  Tablet of Time’s Dawn, and used it for the free turn.   Those two turns I almost drew all my cards.   Then in the last turn of the game, I blew it wide open by drawing the two wandering askaras and banishing one of them to get another free turn.   In these two turns,  I was almost able to draw my whole deck in those two turns.


High score 271

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets ROTF + SOS + Promos

133 card points, 138 victory points

Adayu the chosen, RAI PSIONIC MASTER, eternal askara, elemental adept x2,    tower askara x2 , askara of fate, , nook hound, hectic scribe,   elder skeptic x3

Avatar of aiyana, path warden x2, Nairi henge queen, Syril runic alpha, star child x3, honey siren, dandelion witch x2, great omen raven, x2,   aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,      dream machine, socket altar, cog maw, auto builder 5.0, personal worm hole,  PRIME,

Scrap flinger, dimension diver, battery monk

Sadranis dark emissary, Emri soulslayer,  void Meister x2, Umbral Edge,    Penumbral edge,   soul assassin x2, canopic jar, black watch elite, arbiter of fate, abolisher


This game started very quickly with me getting the arbiter of fate and Raj in the first two turns.   After that, avatar of aiyana and adayu came shortly after.  Then I completed the Umbral & Penumbral edge set with 160 points left on the board.   Then I was off to the races.    Again, it was the power of the green cards that saved the day, as I got Prime and Sadranis rather late in the game.

The other scores were 108, 105 and 85.



High score 270

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

112 card points, 158 victory points

RAI PSIONIC MASTER, elemental adept x2,  arha templar, twofold askara, tower askara x2 , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye, temple librarian, see of forked path, prodigal x2, nook hound, elder skeptic x2

ahra initiate x2, lion heart x2, granger,  fly trap witch ,   wolf shamanx3, runic lycanthrope x2 , life bound initiate , aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,   dream machine, Grand design, synchonizer,  reactor monk, deep drone, muramasa,   void thirster, void Meister, Umbral Edge,  shadow caster, Penumbral edge,   Shadow star , void initiate,      spike vixen

Mystic x5

I decided to document this one because this hand doesn’t contain all those really good heroes like Prime, cetra, Emri, avatar of aiyana, Vendah,  or even Dartha.  None of them!   The best guy I had was Rai.    I really  could have used a Hedron link device but even with that I was able to get the two edges early in the game and then used them to knock out all the monsters before my opponents could.     Around the board,  I had 158 victory points, the other three players had 20, 42 and 42.   I  did use the tablet of time’s dawn when there was around 40 points left on the table.    I also ended my last turn with all my cards on the table  ie.  No draw pile and no discard pile and no cards in my hand.;  every card was in play.


High score 259

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,  aaron the god slayer, master dhartha, two fold askara,  tower askara , askara of souls ,   Ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara x3  (both banished for an extra turn),   prodigal,   elder skeptic x3,  

 stone circle elder, sabre the moon lit, , path warden, lionheart , land talker,   Syril Runic Alpha, granger, fly trap witch x2,  everbloom, beast staff, wolf shaman x2. wolf acolyte x1,  , runic lycanthrope x2 , aiyan’s messenger x2

headron link device, cog maw, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0 x2, astrolabe TRX ,  spark sprayer,   personal wormhole x2, synconizer, , prime, deep drone

umbral edge, penumberal edge, spike vixen  x2, nihilmncer,

 kythis, mystic x7

112 card points, 147 victory points,  opponents finished with 75, 82, 85 points.   The 82 guy had 49 points in cards, and the 75 guy had 41  victory points.



High score 258

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vedahaaron, master dhartha ,    elemental adept,  elan soul marshall,  tower  askara x2 , askara of souls,   Ascetic of the lidless eye ,  temple librarian,   seer of forked path,  nook hound x2, elder skeptic x2, arha initiate x2, tablet of endless dawn (banished for the extra turn)

Cetra,  avatar of aiyanasabre the moon lit, lionheart, Syril,    star child,  spider witch,  snap dragon x2,   fly trap witch x2 , wolf acolyte,   runic lycanthrope x2 , lifebound initiate,  aiyan’s messenger x2

hedron cannon,  repurposer, hedron link device,   watch maker’s altar,  spark sprayer, synchronizer, prime, reactor monk, Kor Ferromancer, mchana initate,

Emri Soulslayer , Umbral Edge,  shadow caster, penumbral edge, spike vixen, shade of the black watch,  abolisher

Kythis rebel godling,   mystic x5, heavy infantry x3

Notes on play,  130 points in cards, 128 victory points.   The other players ended with 90, 104 and 91.   The guy with 90 points had the highest victory point score of 64,  and the 91 point guy had a high 45 points in his hand.

At the beginning of the game, they had both Sabre and Syril waiting for me.   So quickly got those two.    Shortly after, I got big guys like  Cetra and Aiyana, PRIME.   Shortly, the game came together as Sabre and Syril fueled each other with Cetra and Aiyana helping with the heroes.   PRIME got me  both the Hedrons so I was on my way.   



High score 257

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

  temple guardian,  treasures of the swords,    elemental adept,  elan soul marshall, dreamers glass,   tower askara x2 , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara  ,  temple librarian,   seer of forked path x2, prodigal,  nook hound, elder skeptic, arha initiate, tablet of endless dawn (banished for the extra turn)

World tree,  avatar of aiyana,  lionheart, land talker, star child, honey siren , granger, fly trap witch,  beast staff,  wolf shaman,   snake shaman x2, runic lycanthrope x2 , lifebound initiate x2,  aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  Grand design, driller mark IV, cog maw, watch maker’s altar,   astrolabe TRX,  spark sprayer, rock courier x99, personal wormhole , prime, scrap flinger, deep drone x2

    muramasa,  void thirster , Umbral Edge,  canopic jar, shade of the black watch,

growmites, mystic x4

Notes on play,  146 points in cards, 111 victory points.   The other players ended with 107, 79, and 106 with the 107 guy with 66 victory points, and the 106 guy with 55 card points.

The key in this game was aquiring the two Ascetic Of the Lidless Eyes early in the game.   With this I got the Land talker and with some card banishers I got to thin my deck pretty quickly.   Middle of the game I got the Prime and Aiyana, and near the end I got the World Tree. 

It was about turn 16, I caught up in points to the other players.    I spent the Tablet for the free turn.     The game ended about 4 turns after that.  


High score 253

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

 Vedah, Raj,     elan soul marshall,  two fold askara,     tower askara x2 , all seeing eye,  askara of souls, Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara x3 (2 were banished for an extra turn)  ,  temple librarian,   seer of forked path,    nook hound x2 ,  arha initiate x2, tablet of endless dawn (banished for the extra turn)

World tree,  cetra, stone of circle elder,   lionheart, land talker, Yggdrassil Staff, Syril, spider witch, snap dragon x2,   honey siren  ,  fly trap witch x2 ,   wolf shaman,   snake shaman x2, runic lycanthrope , lifebound initiate x2,    

weapon 303v,    driller mark IV, auto builder 5.0,   rock courier x99, syncronizerrecyclicrabe,   prime, hedron pyromaniac, deep drone,

Orb of nyx,   muramasaemri soul slayer,  void Mesmer, shadow caster x2, Penumbral Edge,  Emri one with the void, trophy hunter, spike vixen , 

Growmites x3,

Notes on play,  137 points in cards, 116 victory points.   The other players ended with 129, 109, and 121 with the 129 guy with 74 victory points, and the 121 guy with 92 card points.

This game started with me chasing after Raj.   By the time I got him, the one of the other guys had amassed 6 constructs already.   He had the dream machine, headron link device and 2 grand designs.  So he already had the combo for getting any construct for just about free.  By the end of the game he had 16 constructs, the guy with 92 points.

I had to stop this guy, so I used Raj to grab Prime as soon as it came up.   I also used one of my wandering asakaras to banish the hedron cannon when it came up so he couldn’t get it.   So morale of the story, don’t give up right away if someone is stocking up on constructs.





High score 250

4 players  (3 AI),  250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos


Vendah Sage Of Swords, RAI PSIONIC MASTER, master dhartha, eye of destiny, elemental adept, dreamer’s glass, twofold askara, all seeing eye, tablet of times dawn, temple librarian, seer of forked path, prodigal, nook hound x3, elder skeptic x3

ahra initaiate, cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden, druids of stone circle, Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, snap dragon, honey siren, granger, fly trap witch, ever bloom, x2, wolf shaman, life bound initiate, weapon 303v,  hedron cannon,  Dream machine, Grand design, x2, auto builder 5.0, rock courier x99, personal wormhole x2, synchronizer, prime

Reactor Monk, Emri, void thirster, void Meister, Umbral Edge, Shadow caster, Shadow star x2, Canopic Jar, Void initiate, spike vixen, shade of blackwater x2,  arbiter of prepice x2, mystic x5


High score 249

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + ROTF + SOS + Promos

  elemental adept,   all seeing eye, askara of fate,   Ascetic of the lidless eye x2,   temple librarian x2, prodigal, nook hound, hectic scribe,  arha initate

 Stone circle, avatar of aiyana ,    path warden ,  star child x2,  flytrap witch x2,  dandelion witch,      wolf shaman x2, snake shaman,  runic lycnthrope x2, life bound initiate,  

 Weapon 303v, hedron cannon, hedron link device, Dream machine, Grand design  , cog maw, watch maker’s altar, combustion idol x2, auto builder 5.0 x2, PRIME, burrower mark II,   

Reactor Monk, dimension diver, deep drone, brazer drone

 penumbral  Edge, canopic jar, void militia, void initiate, spike vixen,    nihilmancer,  guardian of sadranis, Death Seeker, abolisher,    mystic x7, heavy infantry x1


Notes on play,  140 points in cards, 109 victory points.

 This is an example of a good use of the construct PRIME combo.     It was really rocking with the hedron cannon.   I was getting 8 to 10 attack strength each turn.

 The other players only had 91, 87 and 84 points total.    Even with that 91 was only 53 victory points and 53 card points.  


High score 240

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + ROTF + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords,     master dhartha,    elan soul marshall, dreamer’s glass, twofold askara, arha templar,   tower askara , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara x2 (both banished for an extra turn), temple librarian x3, seer of forked path x2,   nook hound x2, elder skeptic x3, arha initiate x2

  stone circle elder , sabre the moon lit, , path warden,   land talker,  Syril Runic Alpha, spider witch, honey siren,  fly trap witch, beast staff,  runic lycanthrope  x2,  lifebound initiate x2   

weapon 303v,   repurposer, dream machine. Grand design, cog maw, drlller mark IV, watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0  , personal wormhole, recylicrab, prime,  ractor monk,

orb of nyxmuramasa, emri soul slayer, void thirster , Umbral Edge, shadow caster, belthar soul collector,    spike vixen,   deathsworn warrior x2 

kythis, growmites, mystic x3

Notes on play,  147 points in cards, 93 victory points.   other players 104, 111,96 with the 111 guy with 56 card points and the 104 guy with 61 victory points.

First game with all the sets.   Lots of monsters right at the start,   My first big card was prime.       I had a round where I used cetra to get master dharha, used a card to draw the master,   drew three cards which had a mecha construct, this brought prime into my hand, and then I used Prime to get weapon 303v.






     Vedah Sage of Swords, Raj Psionic Master, EYE OF DESTINY,  eternal askara x2,     elemental adept  x1, TOWER OF ASKARA, ascetic of the lidless eye, temple librarian, seer of forked path, NOOK HOUND x2,  hectic scribe,  

Cetra, AVATAR OF AIYANA, Nairi henge queen, lion heart, Syirl,      STAR CHILD,  snap dragon,  honey siren, flytrap witch,   Dandelion Witch,  wolf shaman x2, runic lycanthrope, aiyana’s messenger, 

WEAPON 303V,   hedron cannon, Project alpha, grand design ,  cog maw,  combustion idol,     PERSONAL WORMHOLE, Prime ,  Battery monk,  

Sadranis dark emissary, Emri soul slayer, black hole,   Void Mesmer,  Umbral Edge, shadow caster, Penumbral edge  , emri one with the void, shade of the black witch, arbiter of the precipice, 

Samuel the fallen, wind tyrant, vaultbreaker wurm, vandal soul, rat king,

    Mystic x3, 


This game began very interesting.   The game started with Raj and an arbiter of fate.   Of course, this really gave me the ability to snap up those high casting cost heroes and it  was on my way to  building a mechana deck.   With this I happen t beat Sameul down and start collecting cretures with 4 and above attack.    The other scores were 109, 106, and 92.    






  Raj Psionic Master, master of dhartha,    eternal askara  , TOWER OF ASKARA x2, ascetic of the lidless eye,   seer of forked path, elder skeptic, 

Cetra, path warden x2,   Nairi henge queen, lion heart, druids of the stone circle,   flytrap witch,   Dandelion Witch x2 ,  wolf shaman, runic lycanthrope x2, lunar stag, great omen raven, 

WEAPON 303V ,   combustion idol x2,     PERSONAL WORMHOLE, sychronizer, Prime ,  burrower mark ii, 

Sadranis dark emissary,    Umbral Edge, shadow caster, black watch elite, arbiter of fate ,  shade of the black witch, 

Samael the fallen, Unchained fates, sea tyrant, polaris demon,  Nemesis, Kythis the gate keeper, avatar of the fallen,



This game began very interesting.   The game started with  master dartha in the centre row, so I got that first.     After that, this hand was built on green cards.    Cetra and Nariri were key to building the deck with more heroes and getting points.

 The other scores were 96, 79, and 88.   



High score 233

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + IH  + Promos

Vendah Sage Of Swords, temple guardian,  treasure of the study, oziah the peerless,  master dhartha,    elan soul marshall,     tower askara , all seeing eye, Ascetic of the lidless eye x2, wandering askara  , temple librarian, seer of forked path,    nook hound, elder skeptic x2

   cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana, stone circle elder x2,   path warden, lionheart  ,  Syril Runic Alpha, star child, honey siren ,  fly trap witch,  wolf shaman, wolf acolyte x2, lifebound inititate

   hedron link device,   Grand design,  watch maker’s altar, auto builder 5.0,   personal wormhole, synconizer, , reactor monk,  prime 

void thirster, void Mesmer x2,  void avenger ,  canopic jar ,   spike vixen x2, soul shaper, shade of black witch, arbiter of the precipice, Tablet of Time’s Dawn  (banished for extra turn)

Kythis rebel godling, crackling jackal,  mystic x4


Notes on play,  125 points in cards, 108 victory points.    The other players had 90, 113 and 99.   The player with 113 had 70 points in cards and the player with 99 had 48 victory points.

This game began with not much direction.   I really didn’t  know how it was gonna play out.   One of the other players shot out ahead in the constructs but I soon got Avatar of Aiyana.    This helped me get a lot of heroes but they were kinda void heavy rather than lifebound  or enlightments.     I was also able to get an extra turn with the Tablet of Time’s Dawn at the third to last turn.   At this point in the game, I had caught up to the other players with over 40 points.   The extra turn allowed me to almost draw all my cards, which put me in the 70’s of points.  Next few turns, I was able to draw a good part of my deck and score a good number points per turn because of all the extra void cards that I normally don’t buy.

This would have been a kick ass deck if I gotten the world tree or the headron cannon but these didn’t show up in the game.






Adayu the chosen,    Vedah Sage of Swords, Raj Psionic Master, EYE OF DESTINY,  eternal askara,     TOWER OF ASKARA, NOOK HOUND x2,  hetic scribe, ELDER SKEPTIC x2,

AVATAR OF AIYANA, path warden x2,    STAR CHILD, everbloom, Dandelion Witch,  snake shaman,  Lunar Stag,  GREAT OMEN RAVEN x2

WEAPON 303V,   Project alpha, SOCKET ALTAR, cog maw,  autobuilder 5.0 x2,   PERSONAL WORMHOLE, Prime

Deep drone x2, dimension diver, Battery monk,  

Emri soul slayer, black hole,   Void Mesmer x2

 Umbral Edge, shadow caster, Penumbral edge 

  Arbiter Of Fate, Void Militia, nilmancer x2, death seeker, abolisher,

    Mystic x1, Heavy Infantry x1

IN 4 PLAYERS (3 AI), WITH 250 VICTORY POINT POOL, using sets ROTF, SOS, Promo1

This game began very interesting.   The game started with 2 askara of fates, and an arbiter of fate,  in the starting row so everyone was able to draw 2 cards and banish 1 card on turn 1.   Of course, this pretty much means you have 5 or 6 buy on turn one.   It also means, it is very likely that you will drawing an extra card in the first bunch of turns.     Well, turn one I was able to buy Raj.  By turn 8, I had Raj and Adayu with no apprentices and no militia, with a total of 14 cards to work with.  The other scores were 108, 103, and 116.   The 116 player had Samuel the fallen in play and he had 78 victory points which chewed up the pool of victory points.   The 108 player had 60 victory points and had 2 scrap flingers, 7 constructs, 2 guardian of sadranis; in other words, a deck bent on attack strength which again chewed into the victory point pool.



High score 219

4 players  (3 AI),  250 total victory point pool, sets COTG   +  IH + SOS + promos

110 card points,  109 victory points


vedah sage of swords, Oziah the peerless,  all seeing eye, askara of souls,  ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara, elder skeptic ,  arha initate,   

world tree, avatar of aiyana, stone circle elder,  sabe the moonlit, lion heart,  star child x2, snap dragon ,  granger,     fly trap witch x2,     wolf shaman x2,  wolf acolyte x3, snake shaman, runic lycanthrope 

hedron cannon,   driller mark IV, auto builder 5.0, prime, burrower mark II, reactor monk, deep drone, grease monk, brazer done,  orb of nyx, muramasa

    void Mesmer,  umbral edge, Shadow caster, demon slayer,   spike vixen x2,  shade of the black witch, deathsworn warrior 

 growmites x3,

Mystic x2, heavy infantry


This game started with aiyana in the main row.  So start by buying nothing but Mystics.   When I got her, I started to try and build card draw, instead I got 2 arbiter of the precipice.    I was quickly able to weed my deck down so aiyana kept coming up.   Soon I got Vedah and Prime.   Then with prime I got the world tree.   After that the lifebound cards came up and the combo began.    I didn’t quite get the point were I was able to draw my entire hand but I had it up to 15 money to buy things with aiyana in play so I was able to buy a lot of heroes.    I could have started to kick ass if I had a hedron link device and dream machine and  but none showed up.

The other opponents scored 100, 87, and 86; with the 100 player  scoring highest victory points at 73   and the 87 player  getting the most card points at 43.








AVATAR OF AIYANA, path warden x2, Nairi Henge Queen, Lionheart x2,  STAR CHILD x3, Dandelion Witch x2, Lunar Stag x2,  GREAT OMEN RAVEN x2


dimension diver, Battery monk,  

Sadransi Dark Emissary, Void Mesmer x2

 Umbral Edge, Canopic Jar,

Black Watch Elite, Arbiter Of Fate x2, Void Militia,

Samuel the Fallen,   Mystic x7, Heavy Infantry




High score 211

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

Treasures Of Study, Eternal askara, tower askara ,    nook hound x2, hectic scribe , elder skeptic x2,

serpentcall, naira henge queen,  , lionheart ,   Syril Runic Alpha, star child x2, danelion witch, snake shaman, Lunar stagx2,   aiyan’s messenger,

weapon 303v  Dream machine, socket altar ,  cog maw,   auto builder 5.0, reclamax,    prime,

deep drone, battery monk, 

  Emri soul slayer,   Shadow caster,  arbiter of fate,  death seeker, Samuel the fallen,

 Mystic x1


Notes on play,  86 points in cards, 125 victory points.


This game was not a really killer score but the way the game came about I wanted to make a mention.     In the start, I was saw my opponents get Raj and Vedah before I could.   I was getting discouraged but I ended up getting Serpentcall.   Alright, that was a beginning.   The next key elements that came were the next purchases of all the green guys namely naira henge queen,  lionheart , star child  and, danelion witch, and to some extent the lunar stags.    With the help of the arbiter of fate and Shadow  caster,  I was not only drawing lots of cards early in the game, I was also weeding 1 to 2 cards out of the deck every turn.   The side effect of all this was that all the green cards were working together giving me lots of  victory points and card draw early in the game.   By the time I got rid of all my apprentices, I  only had 3 mystics.   With the blue cards nook hound, hectic scribe , elder skeptic;  I was actually discarding mystics till eventually I didn’t even have mystics because the two lunar stags were used if I really had anything worth to buy or used as victory points and for being green.

After this point in the game I was rolling in victory points and not even killing anything because my deck didn’t really have anything that generated big attack strength until I got the Emri.     Saying as much, I still had more victory points than the players who were buying all those heavy infantry.

When I got Prime, I ran away with the game because now I got artifacts and Prime was always popping into my hand along with all the green and blue card drawing.

  At the everyone else finished with  107, 105, and 100 points.  107 had the  raj  &  the 100 had vedah.

Lesson to be learned, the most powerful guys on the board is Prime and AVATAR OF AIYANA.     I got Reclamax but never had anything to use it on.   Samuel , I got too late in the game.  Raj would have been  nice but I was able to weed my deck down fast at the beginning anyway.   And Adayu the chosen didn’t show up in this game.


High score 209

4 players  (3 AI),  250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + ROTF + SOS + Promos

81 card points,  128 victory points


Vendah Sage Of Swords, RAI PSIONIC MASTER,   elemental adept x2,  tower of askara x2, all seeing eye, ascetic of the lidless eye x2, seer of forked path,   nook hound , elder skeptic x2

  cetra weaver of stars, avatar of aiyana,  path warden, nairi henge queen,  Runic Alpha,   fly trap witch,   wolf shaman x2, runic lycanthrope,

socket altar, burrower mark II, dimensional diver x2, battery monk,

 Sadranis dark emissary,  Emri soul slayer, black hole,   Shadow caster, emri one with the void,

Shadow star,   shade of blackwater 

Wind tyrant,  Vandal Soul, Tarik the trickster, Samuel the fallen, rat king, Earth tyrant, Bazu Duke of Scorn.


This is was a game of getting Raj early in the game.   With the help of some deck cleaning banishers, I was able to get my deck down to 15 cards total.  I was able to draw my entire hand every turn and there was still 170 points left in the pool to win.   I was able to use Raj to upgrade my banishers to better heroes.   I quickly got sadranis followed by Samuel.   This was a deadly combo as I was able to get more and more attack strength per turn then with Sadranis use that to aquire the big monsters out the void.   Remember, I was able to draw my entire hand every turn from this point to the end of the game from this point here.   Near the end of the game, I almost consistanly pulled attack strengths in the 20’s each turn.

The other players scored 87, 86, and 82 points, with only 42, 41 and 42 being victory points, remember I had 128 victory points.   So I just killed anything that came up on the row.



High score 208

4 players  (3 AI),  250 total victory point pool, sets COTG   +  IH + SOS

118 card points,  90 victory points


master dhartha,     elemental adept x2,  elan soul marshall, dreamers glass, two fold askara, tower of askara x2, all seeing eye, ascetic of the lidless eye, wandering askara, temple librarian, seer of forked path,   prodigal, nook hound , arha initate,   

world tree, Syril runic alpha, spider witch, granger,     fly trap witch,   everbloom, wolf shaman x2,  wolf acolyte, runic lycanthrope x2,  lifebound initate

weapon 303v, repurposer, hedron link device, grand design x2, driller mark IV, cog maw,  rocket courier x-99, mecha initiate, Orb of Nyx,

    Shadow caster, penumbral edge, canopic jar, spike vixen, deathsworn warrior 

 Kythis rebel godling, akam the genie

Mystic x3, heavy infantry


This hand was not high scoring as yet, but every turn after about half way through the game (130ish points left in the point pool), I was able to draw every single card in my hand  (0 cards in draw pile, 0 cards in discard pile, all  cards in play or in my hand).  Real challenge determining which cards to throw out knowing that you will probably draw them again later on or acquire something knowing that you can play a draw card to put it into your hand.

The other players had 88, 91 and 96 points;  the 88 and the most victory points at 61, and the 91 had the most card points at 47.


















Stone circle, SERPENT CALL, AVATAR OF AIYANA, Nairi Henge Queen, Syril Runic Alpha, STAR CHILD,  GREAT OMEN RAVEN x2


PRIME,   dimension diver x2, Battery monk,  , Pembumbral edge,




High score 199

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS + Promos

Adayu the chosen,   RAJ PSIONIC MASTER, master dhartha, eternal askara, elemental adept, dreamer’s glass,  twofold askara, all seeing eye, askara of fate,   Ascetic of the lidless eye,   elder skeptic x2

  cetra weaver of stars   path warden ,  honey siren, flytrap witch,  everbloom,    wolf shaman, runic 

 Dream machine, Grand design  , auto builder 5.0, reclamax, personal worm hole, synchronizerx2

Reactor Monk, deep drone, brazer drone, battery monk,

  muramasa,   void Meister, penumbral  Edge, black watch elite x2,  shade of blackwatchnihilmancer,  arbiter of the precipice, mystic, heavy infantry


Notes on play,  100 points in cards, 99 victory points.

 first  few purchases where the black watch elite and  shade of black watch.   It wasn’t much of a game for most of it.  There really wasn’t any good cards to buy and the creatures were too high to kill for quite a few turns.    But this lull allowed me to quickly weed my deck down so as soon as the master Dhartha and Cetra came out, I was able to snap them up right away.   Then I was able to build up the other card drawing part of the deck up.  

The best part of the game was the last 3 turns because it got to a point where I drew every card, ie. 0 cards in the draw pile, 0 cards in the discard pile and just about every card in my hand.   My hand was full of cards that needed me to draw cards including having Adayu in my hand and having  two fold asakara in my hand.   So I was able to buy something expensive with adayu, play a card like battery monk which makes me draw a card which puts that card into my hand.   I play two fold askara to copy adayu again, and then play another draw a card thing and that put that into my hand.     And to add into the mess, I also had a Tablet of Time’s Dawn, which I blew in the second to last turn to give me an extra turn of flipping through my entire hand.

 The other players only had 99, 97 and 85 points total.    Even with that 99 was only 47 victory points and 52 card points.  




High score 146

4 players (3 AI), 250 total victory point pool, sets COTG + SOS +IH + ROTF+  Promos


Temple guardian, elemental adept x2, twofold askara, akara of souls, askara of fate, wandering askara x2, temple librarian, hectic scribe, elder skeptic x2,

Serpentcall, cetra, avatar of aiyana, sabre, star childx2, flytrap witch, dandelion witch,  wolf shaman x2, runic lyanthrope, lunar stag, great omen raven,

Socket altar, combustion idol, spark sprayer, reclamax x2,prime, reactor monk,

Void mesmerx2, prenubral edge,  arbiter of fate, spike vixen, shade of black watch x2

Mystic x2


I had 52 victory points and 94 card points.

This was a close shave of a game to win as the other scores were 131, 108 and 90 with the 131 guy with 93 victory points and the 90 guy had 50 card points, the 108 guy had 8 heavy infantry.   The 90 guy with the 50 card points was starting a construct deck with the headron link device with some monks but he was bogged down with 13 heavy infantry in his deck.

Anyway, I wanted to mention this deck because of the way it was played.   I got the serpentcall and the reclamax really early in this game with the wandering askara and some deck banishers.   So by turn 8, I was already drawing most of my deck, being able to banish any hero I wanted but couldn’t afford at the time because I knew I could dig it up later with the serpentcall.    I just kept buying draw cards and mystic-like cards until I got Aiyana.   Then every turn I kept drawing cards until I got her so I could buy the heroes cheap each turn, keep getting the heroes I wanted out the void each turn.   Cetra came along so I could grab the most expensive heroes of the board, that was how I got both void mesmers.

If I gotten a few cards like the World tree, or maybe the hedron link device, I could have really made this deck go a bit better but it was still a quite a fun way to draw through a deck every turn.   And it is very powerful way to play a ROTF deck.







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