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William Chow FAQs Page



FAQs - Langrisser Mobile  (2020  Part 2)



I have always loved the series Langrisser series of games ever since the Megadrive and the PC-Engine game consoles.   I was excited to hear that this game was coming back as a mobile game.   I didn't start right way but here is my story and how a rough start.  Here is my story.


Click on the topic you would like to read more on.


I pulled three SRs in this set of pull.  July 14, 2019.
my Day one

I pulled Renatta.  August 10, 2019.

Renata  summon

I finally got my Ledin over 7000 CP.   September 9, 2019.
my status
I I pulled the Knight of Mystery.  And my luck is still crazy as I pulled Lanford again for more shards.   September 17, 2019.
Cherie's progress

I pulled Gizorof.   September 17, 2019. 

my SRs

Now, this is my first EMB.   October 21, 2019.

I summoned Virash.  December 3, 2019.
my shefaniel
I pulled Licorice.  December 24, 2019.

I pulled TWO SSR items doing the dragon.

a full SR collecton 

I pulled Sigma.

Ledin summon 


 Go To 2021 Part 1



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