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William Chow FAQs Page



FAQs - Langrisser Mobile (Late-2019)



I have always loved the series Langrisser series of games ever since the Megadrive and the PC-Engine game consoles.   I was excited to hear that this game was coming back as a mobile game.   I didn't start right way but here is my story and how a rough start.  Here is my story.


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My next summons Lambda.  August 8, 2019.
Lambda Summons
The next summon is Lanford.  August 21, 2019.

Lianna summon

This is my current status for SR characters.    It was complete, but they added Serena so now I am missing her. 
my status SR
October 4, 2019, this is the first crossover that I was really excited.  I saved up enough trinity vouchers and trinity crystals to do summons.   I pulled Sumire, FOUR times!!!  AHHHHH!
Cherie's progress

October 22, 2019; I pulled Jugler as an off banner summon during the Sakura Wars banner.

Juggler summon
This a check point.  November 11, 2019, I have maxed out at level 60.   Pimping out Lewin ATK.
summon Tiaris

November 26, 2019.    I summon Zerida.

Lianna In Red
November 28, 2019.  I summoned Yulia.
my shefaniel
 The banner is a Tiaris, Luna, Clarrett.   I obviously need Luna for the buff since I don't like using Shelfaniel for buff.   I got Clarrett.  December 26, 2019.


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