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FAQs - Langrisser Mobile (2020)



I have always loved the series Langrisser series of games ever since the Megadrive and the PC-Engine game consoles.   I was excited to hear that this game was coming back as a mobile game.   I didn't start right way but here is my story and how a rough start.  Here is my story.


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Alright it is a new year.  The banner is Ledin, Rachel and Altemuller.   I have Ledin already.   I pulled Altemuller.   January 6, 2020.
my Day one

So the next banner is Young Jessica (Jessica Prime) and Emiia.  I pulled Young Jessica,  notice the pull,  I got 3 SRs too, Sonia, Lance, and Lance.  January 26, 2020.

Lianna summon

The next banner was Cherie, Dieharte, and Omega.   This is a guaranteed Omega for me.  Feburary 1, 2020.  
my status
I pulled Layla and Gerold.  Feburary 10, 2020.
Layla and Gerold

I pulled Bernhardt.  March 5, 2020.

Today while sweeping the dragon,  I got TWO SSR rewards today!
summon Tiaris

I summon on this cross over event.  I got Estelle.   March 26, 2019.

Lianna In Red
I pulled Luna.
my shefaniel
I hit the first 365 days goal.  April 14, 2019.

I really wanted to get Leonhardt.    So I started to pull,  however I pulled Renne!  TWICE!  Damn IT!!!

a full SR collecton 

So I continued to pull and I have finally got him.  April 30, 2019.

Ledin summon 

One of my favourite banners, Record Of Lodoss Wars!   I had to pull Dedlitt.  Thank God it wasn't like Sakura Wars.

 cherie dress

I pulled Ares.  June 4, 2019.

Rachael summon

I finally had some characters for my hero card.  July 5, 2019.
Hero Card
I tried to pull for Aulustriel.  
Elwin summon
It happened again!   I not only pulled Alustrieal once but TWICE!   OH!!!   So lucky!!
Couples Event


 Go To 2020 Part 2



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